Are you making this mistake?

Hi Reader!

I’ve been teaching yoga for musicians for about a year and a half now. The truth is long before then I found yoga was helping me so much that I couldn’t help but want to share it with other musicians. It wasn’t easy getting the time off to go study in India but in the end, I managed to do just that about two years ago.

Fast forward a couple of years, it’s still something that I deeply care about. I’m at my happiest when someone tells me that the classes have helped them with pain from playing their instrument or that something that I put out really stuck with them, it was what they needed to hear at that point.

So why am I going on about all of this? When you care so much about something, it’s easy to let it consume you. That can happen to a lot of musicians because you’re so invested in what you’re doing. It’s literally part of your identity. But what can happen as a result is that your well-being starts to suffer.

This is why I’ve lately been focusing on cultivating the things that I do just for the joy of doing them. I made a list of the ones that I can still enjoy in these strange times and surprisingly, it’s not as desperate as I expected it to be. I encourage you to do the same! And if you feel like it, share your list in the Wellbeing for Musicians Facebook group.

You probably guessed yoga was one of the items. :) And this is one of the things that I love about it. It’s there just for you, it doesn’t matter what your practice looks like. Yours will be different from mine. The important thing is, it’s time just for yourself.

Upcoming classes:

Saturday 24th October 2020 at 10:30 am BST (11:30 am CEST)

Saturday 31st October 2020 at 10:30 am GMT (11:30 am CET)

Have a wonderful day and see you on the mat soon!

Lots of love,


PS: The scheduling client that I use is now offering a mobile app version to book classes! Get it here:

Apple App Store

Google Play Store

Musicians' Yoga with Veronika

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