
Musicians' Yoga with Veronika

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The Power of Knowing Your "Why"

Hello Reader! What I’m about to write is largely inspired by a conversation I had with oboe/cor anglais player and performers coach Jessica Mogridge as part of her “experiential presentation” about identity inside the Wellbeing for Musicians Facebook group (if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend you take a look, it’ll be available until the 12th March 2021). ASKING GOOD QUESTIONS Jessica is the kind of person who asks good questions. And one of her questions to me and anyone watching that...

Hello Reader! These past few months I’ve been spending a lot more time at my computer than I’m used to. You’d be surprised how much typing, emailing and zoom calls are involved in being a yoga teacher/musician. :) Or maybe not, maybe you're experiencing exactly the same thing during the lockdown. LOCKDOWN SHIFTS Lucky for me, I actually enjoy all the “behind the scenes” stuff as well as teaching. But it means that I’ve traded hours and hours of sitting in rehearsal or a concert holding the...

Happy end of the year celebrations, Reader! Let me tell you something. I have yet to come across a musician that hasn’t at one point or another struggled with some sort of back pain, myself included. It’s actually what led me to start doing yoga in the first place! I know, not a very elevated reason but yoga’s been working wonders for my back. We musicians spend our lives in quite extraordinary postures when it comes to our spine. Couple that with the sedentary nature of today’s lifestyle and...

Hi Reader! I started practicing yoga about 10 years ago and let me tell you, it was a very different story from what I’m about now. I dare say the types of yoga I was drawn to were very much “one size fits all” with lots of discipline and repetitive sequences. Now we all go through different stages in life and there’s certainly a lot to be said about discipline. Many people benefit from what I’ve just decribed. But throughout the years, I’ve really come to be kinder to myself and that’s what...

Hi Reader! It feels like a century ago but at the beginning of this year I went to India to attend a yin yoga teacher training (if you don’t know what yin yoga is, worry not, I shall explain throughout this post). A view from the yoga practice space during the training. HAVING SECOND THOUGHTS I remember sitting at a cafe at Heathrow airport before my flight to Cochin and having some second thoughts about this trip. How much money I spent on it, that I wasn’t even staying for that long and...

Hi Reader! This time last year I was feeling a bit down and I couldn’t quite put a finger on why. It seemed to me that everything in my life was going well so why was I not happy? I even started to feel a bit guilty about it. It has a name It took another person to explain to me that this was quite common in the winter months, so much so that it had a name - Seasonal affective disorder (SAD for short), also called “winter depression”. And I think it’s worth discussing because if I was...

Hi Reader! I’ve been teaching yoga for musicians for about a year and a half now. The truth is long before then I found yoga was helping me so much that I couldn’t help but want to share it with other musicians. It wasn’t easy getting the time off to go study in India but in the end, I managed to do just that about two years ago. Fast forward a couple of years, it’s still something that I deeply care about. I’m at my happiest when someone tells me that the classes have helped them with pain...

Hi Reader! I’ve recently dropped the ball on some of my personal self-care routines. It’s funny how sneaky your brain can be. These self-care rituals I’ve cultivated since lockdown began have really been helping me out but somehow my brain managed to convince me that now everything was fine and I didn’t really need to take time to do them anymore. Wrong! The truth is balance isn’t a static thing. It’s not a destination and what’s working now might not work in a few month’s time. And that’s...